Hast Quotes
Text Quotes
There is beautiful you are.No, said Marged, between a sigh and a sob.Yes, said Owen.No, said Marged, not so certain.Behold, Owen said, from Solomonthou art fair. Thou hast dove’s eyes.Dove’s eyes are small. Marged said.Yours are so big they are my whole world, said Owen. (Hast Quotes)
Why hast thou made me born in this country, The inhabitant of which is satisfied with being a slave? (Hast Quotes)
Oh, come, Divine Physician, and bind up every broken bone. Come with Thy sacred nard which Thou hast compounded of Thine own heart’s blood, and lay it home to the wounded conscience and let it feel its power. Oh! Give peace to those whose conscience is like the troubled sea which cannot rest. (Hast Quotes)
Thou art my life, my love, my heart, The very eyes of me: And hast command of every part To live and die for thee. (Hast Quotes)
So long as one does not become simple like a child, one does not get divine illumination. Forget all the worldly knowledge that thou hast acquired and become as a child, and then will thou get the divine wisdom. (Hast Quotes)
O eloquent, just, and mighty Death! whom none could advise, thou hast persuaded; what none hath dared, thou hast done; and whom all the world hath flattered, thou only hath cast out of the world and despised. Thou hast drawn together all the far-stretched greatness, all the pride, cruelty, and ambition of man, and covered it all over with these two narrow words, Hic jacet! (Hast Quotes)
O God, protect me from my friends, that they have not power over me. Thou hast giv’n me power to protect myself from thy bitterest enemies. (Hast Quotes)
Dost thou know what life is, my child? Hast thou comprehended the action of those springs which produce existence? Hast thou examined thyself? (Hast Quotes)
Go on, fair Science; soon to thee Shall Nature yield her idle boast; Her vulgar lingers formed a tree, But thou hast trained it to a post. (Hast Quotes)
Happiness, thou art naught but an illusion. Thy enchantments are cast upon my eyes, my mind, my spellbound heart. Dependent upon nothing but thy victim’s perception of thee, souls soar at thy artful hand! I have fallen in love with thy illusions, Happiness. Thou hast made me a part of them, and I am left delirious. (Hast Quotes)
In the morning fix thy good purpose; and at night examine thyself what thou hast done, how thou hast behaved thyself in word, deed, and thought. (Hast Quotes)
O good Jesu Thou has bound my heart in the thought of Thy Name, and now I can not but sing it; therefore have mercy upon me, making perfect that Thou hast ordained. (Hast Quotes)
My heart opening as the rose petals __ Thou hast pouring on it aroma of patience (Hast Quotes)